
” I am prepared for everything, I expect nothing ”
~ Birth Warrior Mantra
Shanti Prenatal Program offers a complete and balanced program for your pregnancy, birth preparation and recovery after birth.
A Prenatal Class includes
Prenatal Yoga
movements and exercises to support your transforming body
Breathing and Relaxation
techniques to focus and calm the mind
Pain Management
breathing techniques, movements and diverse tools to manage contractions effectively during the different stages of labor
Pushing techniques and positions
learn effective pushing techniques and positions
Special Classes:
Partner Yoga Special
Baby 101 Workshop
Rebozo & Postpartum Preparation
Partner Workshops
Breastfeeding Solution & Baby Wearing Workshop :
A complete education on breastfeeding will provide you with the confidence and knowledge you need to breastfeed successfully and overcome obstacles with more ease. Learn about the numerous benefits of wear your baby.
Coaching for Birth:
Guidance is essential during labor and birth.
In this workshop your partner/birth buddy is trained how to help you effectively throughout the different stages of labor and pushing. They will learn about the whole birth process, the breathing techniques, applied massage and plenty of tips to keep you on track.
Osteopathy Lecture
Dr. Anton Isaak is the medical advisor of the Shanti Prenatal Program. In this workshop you learn about the holisitic approach to a healthy pregnancy, birth and newborn care. A favorite of the dads!!
Hospital Visit:
Familiarizing with the hospital environment is key to maintain your calm and focus.
We visit the entire Maternity Ward and learn about the practical hospital guidelines of labor, birth and newborn care.
Special extra partner workshops & classes include:
Baby 101 Workshop, Partner Yoga Special and Coaching for Daddyhood
When to start? Where are the classes?
You can start the classes in your 18th week.
Classes are held on
Tuesday (Papiamento) 6.15pm – 7.15 pm
Wednesday (English) 6.15pm – 7.15 pm
All classes are held at SpiritualGym in Caya Betico Croes
To register for this program call for an Intake appointment at 661-8133
In the Intake we get to know you personally and provide you with guidelines to ensure prenatal health, safety and a propitious birth experience.
” Birth is the first and biggest life experience of both Mother and Child….
this calls for deep preparation on all levels, physical, mental and emotional!”
~ Shanti
Shanti has been teaching Prenatal Classes for 15 years and is still loving it!!
Samantha's Testimony
I was a late-comer to the prenatal class, and was able to
attend for the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy. It is NEVER too late to start
attending this class. Even in just 3 sessions, this class helped me to connect
with my baby before meeting him, and gave me much needed tools to prepare me
for the birth. I also felt so comforted being in the presence of other pregnant
women, which I very much needed. I put everything I learned to practice in
order to get though labor pains, and pushing. I felt well-equipped and ready to
birth my son into the world!
Thank you, Shanti
Adiela's Testimony
My prenatal class with Shanti was absolutely essential with my first pregnancy. Her breathing techniques helped me through my heaviest contractions when my midwife almost didn’t make it for the birth! When I gave birth the second time around, I remembered everything she taught me and was able to give birth alone and without any assistance. Regardless if you plan on giving birth at home or in the hospital, I recommend these classes to any (new) mom. They help you relax and guide you through a seemingly overwhelming and emotional rollercoaster that is childbirth. I’m so happy to have had this resource available to me.
Testimonio de Olga
La experiencia que tuve en el programa fue súper bonita y llena de aprendizajes, pues cuando comencé el programa tenía pocos conocimientos y lo que sabía era por haberlo leído, pero contar con alguien que haya pasado por lo mismo y que te eduque en el tema es bastante reconfortante y me lleno de calma, los ejercicios me ayudaban a liberar el estrés y cansancio del día, aprendi a respirar y a controlar el dolor desde que comenzaron las contracciones el día del parto y compartir con mujeres que estaban en el mismo estado que yo me dio bastante seguridad.
Ahora después de tan bonita experiencia estoy feliz de que mi bebé tiene a tia Shanti y la visita de vez en cuando.
2021 Tracey’s Testimonial
This is my second time attending Shanti’s Prenatal class and I highly recommend these classes to all who are expecting. Pregnancy and birth can be very overwhelming these classes helped me relax and prepared me be mentally prepared for labor. I was extremely relaxed with my first labor and this comes down to all the classes I took with Shanti. The breathing exercises, reminders to stay calm, how to embrace and manage the pain, all of this made my labor experience a pleasant one. This why I am back to prepare for the arrival of my second child.
2018 Natasja’s Testimonial
I highly recommend the Shanti Prenatal program to all pregnant mothers. I have experienced it as a relaxed lesson where I’m preparing for the moment of birth. It relaxed me to hear tips and tricks. At the moment of birth I had the tools to get through the experience even when it got difficult. I was positive and knew what I wanted or needed at every stage of the birth experience. This program gave me the knowledge of what was happening and it helped me convince myself I can do it.
~Natasja and Baby Damian
2017 Adiella’s Testimonial
As a first time mom you get (unwanted) advice thrown at you from every direction. Friends, family, even strangers! It can be very overwhelming. Not to mention all the hormones and the changes in your body that you’re dealing with. This combination can cause a new mom lots of stress. Shanti’s class helped me relax and bring me back to what’s really important in my pregnancy; my well being. She gave me a time to relax and reflect, to realize that I know exactly what is right for my baby and me during this pregnancy. That I am strong and am able to handle whatever labor has in store for me. The classes made me more relieved about the labor and to be accepting of whatever happens during it. My labor was completely not what I expected, but I was fine. I kept thinking back on Shanti’s words and it helped.
I recommend this class to anyone who is willing to go into it with an open heart and mind.
~ Adiella and baby Aiyla
2012 Getuigenis van Juliette
Ik ben begonnen met zwangerschapsyoga bij Shanti. Een aantal kennissen op Aruba hadden mij dit aangeraden. Ik ben heel blij dat ik dit ook gedaan heb.
De lessen zitten vol goede tips en het is heel fijn dat je met andere moeders to-be bent zodat je ook tips met elkaar kunt uitwisselen.Je leert wat je te wachten staat, hoe je moet ademhalen, ontspannen en hoe je je weeen het beste kunt opvangen. Ook hoe je moet persen en wat je partner kan doen, komt aan bod. Daarnaast zijn er extra lessen zoals een bezoek aan het ziekenhuis, partnerlessen, borstvoedingsvoorlichting en een presentatie van een osteopaat, wat alles nog fijner maakt.
~Juliette en Baby Sophie
BOOK NOW ! for the Online Shanti Prenatal Program